Fecal Parasite Examination
We provide fecal parasite examination by a salt solution/centrifugation method. Our procedure for fecal examination follows the recommendations provided by the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC).
This method provides accurate fecal parasite examinations. At times other examination/methods are needed, including direct saline smears for giardia, Baerman funnel method for lung worm and antigen testing for giardia/cryptosporidia.

Gross Examination
Before submission of feces, the veterinarian or technician should conduct a gross examination for presence of blood, mucus, intact worms or tapeworm segments.
Sample Size
Specimen size should be at least 1 gram of formed feces (approximately 1 tablespoon). If feces are soft: sample size should be 2 grams, for slurry-like, submit 4 grams. For liquid feces, a sample of 6 grams should be submitted.
We use Sheather’s sugar solution: more efficient for the centrifugation technique than salt solutions.
Well-mixed feces with a salt solution are poured into centrifugation tubes. The tube is spun near full, removed from the centrifuge and filled to the top. A cover slip is added and allowed to sit a minimum of 20 minutes before reading.